Presenting our Faculty Publications – Summer Selection

This collection begins with a collaborative theme as two PhD students share their experience of co-authoring chapters with their Supervisor, Hilary Cremin in the Handbook of Curriculum Theory, Research, and Practice.

Trifonas, P. P., & Jagger, S. (Eds.). (2024). Handbook of curriculum theory, research, and practice. Springer.

Found in the Curriculum Section of our Education Ebooks Collection.

Chapter: Helping Young People Feel That They Matter (pp. 257-275). Written by Hilary Cremin & Nomisha Kurian

Chapter: Poetic Peace Education: A Curriculum Connecting the Mind, Body, and Heart in Workshop Spaces (pp. 295-314). Written by Hilary Cremin & William McInerney

Next we head off to the Children’s Literature Criticism section of our Education Ebooks Collection, with a book edited by Joe Sutliff Sanders

Du, Y., & Sanders, J. S. (Eds.). (2024). L. M. Montgomery’s “Emily of New Moon”: A children’s classic at 100. University Press of Mississippi.

Found in the YA & Adolescent sub section.

Next, we feature two chapters written by Tabitha Millett.

Firstly, we go to the Philosophy of Education section:

Bustillos Morales, J., & Zarabadi, S. (Eds.). (2024). Towards posthumanism in education: Theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings. Routledge.

Found in the Philosophy of Education section.

Chapter 9: Response-able Feminist Activism in a Neoliberal School Context Plaiting to Re-think Progress (pp. 137-148). Written by Hanna Retallack & Tabitha Millett.

Next we head to the Art & Arts Education section:

Ash, A., & Carr, P. (Eds.). (2024). A practical guide to teaching art and design in the secondary school. Routledge.

Found in the Art & Arts Education section.

Chapter 16: Queering the Art Classroom: A Practical Guide for Art and Design Teachers (pp. 221-235). Written by Tabitha Millett.

Finally, we head to the Mathematics Education section with a book edited by Gosia Marschall:

Dede, Y., Marschall, G., & Clarkson, P. C. (Eds.). (2024). Values and valuing in mathematics education: Moving forward into practice. Springer.

Found in the Mathematics Education section.